Data Conversion

Data Conversion from other software

We offer data conversion from most other RTO software packages. For details and a price quote call 352-383-9375.

Data conversion is where we take the data from other software and convert it to RTO Pro's format. If we can perform a data conversion from the software you are currently using you would not have to manually enter any of your customer, contract, inventory or history data. We usually do data conversions on a Tuesday or Wednesday night after your store closes. You would send us your data via the web after you close, we would convert it that night. The next morning when you come in you download the converted data from our website (password protected) and are ready to start using RTO Pro.

If you are using another common RTO software we have probably done conversions from it before and can do the entire conversion process in 1 night as described above.

If you are using software we have never converted from before the conversion process is as follows:

  1. You send us your data files.
  2. We give you an estimate of cost and time frame for the conversion to be completed.
  3. After you approve and pay for the conversion we work to get the conversion process in place and write the conversion code, normally this takes about 2 weeks.
  4. When the conversion code is written we will do a test conversion, either with the original data you sent or a new data set you send.
  5. We send you the test data for you to check out. We then correct any issues and run a new test conversion, we repeat this process until you are satisfied with the conversion.
  6. After you approve the test conversion we schedule a final conversion with a fresh data set. Normally this would be on a Wednesday night after you close you would send us your data, we would convert it and the next morning you come in and download your data into RTO Pro.