Daily Management Report

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Daily Management Report

This report can be automated, see this help topic for details.


Note: Cash Advance transactions are not included on this report.

This is a custom made report, it should NOT be used for accounting purposes, only the report generated by the End of Day process or the Revenue Summary report (Revenue Menu option 1) should be used for accounting purposes.

If you use Bonus Bucks in your store see the note about Bonus Bucks at the bottom of this help topic.


Revenue Section

Rent: This is rental income ONLY, EPO payoffs are not included in this figure.

Processing fee: This is the processing / delivery fee charged on new agreements.

Late Fees / Other: All late fees and other charges.

Damage Waiver Fees: Liability damage waiver fees collected.

Club Fees: Club/insurance club fee.

Total Fee Revenue: This is the total of all fees above.

EPO Revenue: This is rental income collected on early paid in full agreements.

Cash Sales Revenue: This is the sale amount prior to tax for any items sold from store inventory.

Total sales revenue: Total of Cash Sales and EPO Revenue.

Total Revenues: This is the total of all revenue listed above.



Customer Deposit Paid: Amounts customers paid into deposit, money that has not been credited to their contracts or revenue and has not been taxed.

Customer Deposit Applied: This is the amount applied or spent from the customer deposit amount, this amount is included in revenue figures.

Bonus Bucks Applied (spent): This is the amount of Bonus Bucks that was applied or spent toward payments. Note: Bonus Bucks are not deducted from the normal revenue figures on this report like they are on most other reports, for that reason this report should not be used for bookkeeping purposes if you use Bonus Bucks in your store. For instance if a customer pays a 20 payment and uses 5 in bonus bucks a regular revenue report would show 15 in rent paid, this report will show 20 in rent paid and 5 in Bonus Bucks spent.

Sales Tax: Total of all sales tax collected

AR Booked: Accounts Receivable booked for Installment or Revolving Charge Retail Sales.

AR Paid: Accounts Receivable paid for Installment or Revolving Charge Retail Sales.

NSF$ Collected: Amounts paid on NSF Checks, does not include the NSF fees.

Actual Bank Deposit: Total of normal bank deposits entered in the End of Day program.

ACH Deposits: Total of ACH Deposits entered in the End of Day program.

Credit/Debit Card Deposit: Total of Credit Card Deposits entered in the End of Day program.

Petty Cash Payouts: Total of all Petty Cash Payouts entered in the Petty Cash Payout function in RTO Pro.

Over/Short (- is short): This is the total money collected minus petty cash payouts and all bank deposits, if short it will show a negative number, if positive it is an overage.

Payment Reversals: This is the total of all payment reversals, it is already included in the revenue figures.



Paid Outs/NSF and Customer Balances section

Customer Refund: Customer refund. MTD amount refunded using the petty cash function. The petty cash category must be "REFUND" for it to show up here.

Customer Referral: Customer Referral. MTD amount given as referral using the petty cash function. The petty cash category must be "REFERRAL" for it to show up here.


Paid outs/Other: All other petty cash paid out MTD

NSF Recovered: NSF recovered MTD dollar amount

NSF Returned: NSF Returned the MTD dollar amount of all checks returned NSF

NSF < 90: NSF Returned subtracted from NSF Recovered for a rolling three month period.  (NSF Paid in the last 90 days - NSF Received in the last 90 days)

Deposit Bal. Held: This is the total of all customers Deposit money.

Carried Back Rent: This is the total of Back Rent Due on all active agreements. This is only used if the "move full terms for partial payment" feature is enabled.

Carried Late Fees: Late fees that customers owe on their accounts and have not been paid or waived, unpaid previous late fees only, not current late fees.

Contracts Balances: This is the total contract balances for the following contract types: R,L,G,O (RTO, Lease, As Agent, Other)

Average Remaining Months: This is the average remaining months (months to pay til contract reaches full term), for the following OPEN contract types: R,L,G,O (RTO, Lease, As Agent, Other).


Lost Income Section

Lost Income: Lost income all calculations are day week and monthly totals. The number is the number of agreements given the discount and the dollar amount is the total $ discounted.

Rent Adjustment: Moved due dates on accounts (amount is added to the agreement term)

1ST (New Rental Rent Adjust):  This is the amount of rent adjustment on down payments for new rentals. For instance if a weekly agreement is $7 plus tax and $5.00 + tax is collected as a down payment but the due date is made to be 7 days later the new rent adjustment would be $2.00.

Referral Discount: Referral discount reduces the balance of the account for referring a customer.

Total Discount / deferal: Total discounts & Deferrals, total of the 4 items above.

Pick Up Discounts(back rent): Rent owed on AOR returned or picked up---rent only no fees. The count on this section will only count agreements closed that owed back rent (late at the time of the close).

Write Off Discounts(back rent): Write off discounts amount due in past due rent only---if account is 90days late  it would be the amount of 90 days rent only no fees. The count on this section will only count agreements closed that owed back rent (late at the time of the close).


Statistics Information Section

Statistics information count day week and month totals. This section includes the following agreement types 'R','L','T','G','O', it does not include Cash Advance, open retail sales or Club ONLY agreements (B type). For the "Today", "WTD" and "MTD" columns it will give you the change for that period, a negative means a drop in the number for that period (more contracts were picked up than new ones put out).

AOR: Agreements On Rent. The number of active agreements.

GWRR: Gross Weekly Rental Revenue. This is the dollar amount if every customer paid a one week payment today the rent portion will equal GWRR. GWRR goes up and down based on the weekly payment on all agreements opened, closed paid off daily. If we rent an item for 19.99 a week plus tax and LDW….this is the rent only---19.99 GWRR GWRR is calculated as follows all active agreements are counted, monthly agreements payment is divided by 4 to get weekly rate, bi-weekly and semi-monthly are divided by 2 to get weekly rate.

GARA:  GARA is the GWRR divided by AOR

COR: Customers On Rent. Customers who have an active agreement.

Agr with LDW: The number of Rental Agreements (R,L,T,G,O types) with LDW / DWF (damage waiver).

Agr with Club: The number of Rental Agreements (R,L,T,G,O types) with Club. This does not include B type, Club Only agreements.


Database Information Section

This is contract count for deliveries, pick ups, paid off, write off and cancelled,  by day, week and month. The % is the number divided by AOR to get % of AOR. This includes R, L, T, G and O type accounts.


WTD is always the target dates week, for this report the week starts on Sunday and ends Saturday, even if they are not in the same month. So if you run the report for Wednesday 4/3/2024 WTD would be Sunday 3/31/2024 to Wednesday 4/3/2024.


Please note cancelled contracts can throw off totals when comparing these reports over time. For instance if you load an agreement on Wednesday and run this report it would show 1 for deliveries. Then Thursday if you load another agreement, but cancel the one from Wednesday, Thursday's report will show 1 delivery, 1 cancel. Comparing the report for the 2 days it would look as if the total delivery count should be 2, since Wednesday shows 1 and Thursday's report show 1, but it will only show 1 on Thursday for WTD because of the cancel. Cancelled total was added to this report to help with auditing the numbers and to help track cancels. Also note that a contract that was printed, but never loaded is included is this cancelled number also, those were never included in the Deliveries number.


Rental merchandise.

1: Idle: Total idle pieces in stock. This counts ALL stock inventory rental and retail.

2: 90+Idle: 90 day idle of those how many are over 90 days idle. This counts previously rented items that have been returned to stock over 90+ days ago.

3: On Rent: On rent  total of all rental items SKU’S on agreements. Note this does not include purchase order items or items in service. So if an item is rented, but is in service it will NOT be included in this number. If a purchase order item is rented it will NOT be included in this number.

4: Util%: Utilization % is total SKU’S on agreements #3 divided by the total SKU’S in the stores active inventory, on rent, idle, service.

5: Service: Service Inventory SKU items logged into service.

6: Loan: Loan The number of loaned SKU’s  not loaner agreements

7: S/L%: S/L % total service and loaners # 5 and 6 divided by total of all active SKU’s

8: Total: Total this is the total of all active SKU’s in the system.


Agreements Close Section:

Total Agreements: Total past due AOR by category

Total Agreements Pct: Percent of AOR by categories

Float Dollars: Float dollars is the past due dollars by category This is figured by using the RENT it would take to get current up to today… If an account is $7 a week and is 5 days past due the float would be $5.

Float Pct: Float percentage is the total dollar amount from "Float Dollars" above, divided by GWRR.

Roll/Open Pct: Roll/ Open % the number of AOR that is entering a category or moving to the next category if not paid that day.

NOTE: The ranges that are used for the overdue contracts on this report can be setup in Store Setup under the "Other" tab.


Remaining Book Values section

This is the MTD total of all the remaining RBV for all inventory that leaves the store operating system via EPO, Cash Sales, charge offs, missing, discards or LDW/DWF (Damage Waiver) charge offs. Remaining Book Value is cost minus previously claimed depreciation.

Total Losses: This is the total RBV of write offs, missing, discards, LDW/DWF charge offs.

Total Loss %: This is the total above divided by the month to date total Revenues.


Miscellaneous section

This is "1st WTD" in the Lost Income section divided by "WTD Deliveries" in the Database Info section and "1st MTD" in the Lost Income section divided by "MTD Deliveries" in the Database Info section.


Performance Percentage section

This is the rent revenue collected divided by the Last Saturday’s ending GWRR dollars. Current week is that week, 13 weeks ago is what % was collected then. The 4 week is an average based on the weekly %. The 13 week average is the weekly % divided by 13.


Note: Bonus Bucks are not deducted from the normal revenue figures on this report like they are on most other reports, for that reason this report should not be used for bookkeeping purposes if you use Bonus Bucks in your store. For instance if a customer pays a 20 payment and uses 5 in bonus bucks a regular revenue report would show 15 in rent paid, this report will show 20 in rent paid and 5 in Bonus Bucks spent.